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VFMA Meeting – 2/20/25 @ 6:30 PM Blair Pink’s Residence – 1764 Quarry Lane Attendees: Sham Billah. Claudia Tramell, Blair Pink, Syntel Noviello, Tracy Seggern, Kat McCarthy, Kat Kowalski, Zack Nyce, Shea Stewart, Ryan Fleming Welcome to new board members: Kat, Ryan and Shea Treasurer’s Report: Blair Discussed roles within the board: Sham/Zach working on new pool lease. Sham to connect with Bill Brennan Syntel/Tracy – website updates Tracy – Pool liaison Syntel/Sham – Social Media Syntel – Google Groups/Board of Directors email Blair – Insurance Claudia – New Members Welcome Zach – SunBowl Maintenance Events calendar: Created Events Calendar – posted on Dinner Dance 2/22/25: Dinner Dance set for Feb 22 at Rivercrest. Kamila and Tracy making centerpieces and Tracy dropping off all decorations the morning of. Tracy and Kamila meeting band at 4 for set up at Rivercrest and putting out decorations, center pieces, name cards etc. Sales at this point are 80 tickets sold. We will probably have around a $350 deficit Dinner Dance 2026: Discussed changing the format to a more informal event – Tracy reaching out to Joe Lorman at VFVFCo to see if The Grove is available to rent 6/5 or 6/6 2026 VFMA Directory: Sham asked us to revisit the directory based on requests from members who can’t access it online. Discussion to be continued but we did agree that perhaps a PDF could be created that is emailed to current members. Website: Syntel to talk to Dave Rushbrook at Wix about the booking calendar for the Pavilion – so that reservations are visible to community. Pavilion Rules: These should be revisited to make it clear to patrons that a reservation does not mean exclusive use of the entire park and that cars are parked in the appropriate locations. Upcoming Events: SunBowl cleanup – weekend of 4/5 & 4/6 Create a punch list of things that need to be taken care of and post it online and in SunBowl on bulletin board – two weeks ahead of time. Need to order gravel – discussed how we could prevent the bricks being covered in mud from run off. Easter Egg Hunt 4/13/25 – Kat will coordinate – volunteers need to fill eggs SunBowl Maintenance: Discussed retaining wall and basketball repaving Tracy to reach out to Brian Gillespie – regarding retaining wall Sham and Shea to get quotes for repaving court Thought is that retaining wall should be completed prior to the wall so that the court is not impacted by any heavy equipment Blair will talk to Alex Roberts about the tree work that needs to be completed Tracy will talk to Jody Camp from Mainline Gardens about removing the brush from behind the pavilion and any shrubs that we feel should be taken out. Suggestions: A shared Google Drive for the VFMA Board which will house any documents that are pertinent to board business and will be helpful to access when new board members join. Ryan – Suggested a quarterly newsletter with a headline, neighbor feature, events etc. This was met with enthusiasm and Ryan will be given access to Wix to see if this is a viable option on that platform. Next Meeting: Next meeting scheduled for 3/20/25 @ Claudia Tramell’s house – 1673 High Point Lane

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