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  1. Call to order (6:45). Notation of those in attendance.

      1. Dave Blazek

      2. Sham Billah

      3. JR Abbott

      4. Melissa Cross

      5. Randy Gurak

      6. Marla Stevens


2. Welcome Remarks – Dave


3. Treasurer’s Report – JR (see attached)

      1. The basketball court resurfacing is on hold until the spring.

      2. JR is applying for a Mt. Association credit card through WSFS.

      3. Approximately $14K in Operating Fund; $5,700 in Pavilion Fund; $6,950 in Playground Fund


4. Pavilion Update – Dave

The electrical work is complete. Lights, fixtures and final electrical work totaled $5914.98. Work was provided by Capper Enterprises. Dave purchased Lights and fans and was reimbursed by the VFMA.


5. Bricks Project – Guest: Shane Simpson - Did not show


6. Playground Fund Update – Marla Stevens

      1. The invoice and warranty for the playground equipment can be found on the Google drive.

      2. The swing attachments will be changed to carabiners.

      3. The animal spring riders still need to be replaced.

      4. The Gaga Pit is in the process of upgrading/clean-up.  New balls will be purchased.

      5. We still need one more workday to finish up wood chips.

      6. Dave approved an $80/year baseball field maintenance fee.

      7. We will split the balance of the playground money for the basketball court work.


7. Website & Lists Update – Dave

      1. A new WIX expert has been hired to help maintain website and solve database issues.  He will conduct training sessions for board members.

      2. Currently there are 167 paid VFMA members.  Up from 41 in June of 2023.

      3. Dave will update website with new Pavilion info and News Updates after Oktoberfest.


8. Oktoberfest Update – Randy

      1. Blair dropped off supplies with Zach.  Randy will follow up. Eileen and Caryn Lucia also did food shopping.

      2. We encourage BYO for non beer drinkers.

      3. Mary Fran Riffel donated Cornhole for a cause left over water and decorations.

      4. The beer for the Beer Tent has been purchased. Dave also bought a Beer Tent sign.

      5. Sham will produce sign in spreadsheets. We will track names, email and membership payments.

      6. Dave will produce a QR code for payments.  Sham will laminate.

      7. Mary Fran will provide tailgate canopies in case of rain.

      8. A second Porta-potty has been ordered.

      9. We will post the WIFI password in the kiosk.

      10. 10.Tracy Simpson is the chili contest coordinator.



9. Ladies Wine & Cheese Update

      1. The Wine and Cheese will be held on December 3 from 5-7 at the Langerhans home.

      2. Participants will be ask to bring an app or dessert or wine.

      3. Carpooling is encouraged.


10. ByLaw Changes – John Callaway and Melissa Cross continue to explore changes to the Bylaws, possibly dissolving the ancient Bins Tract requirements. John could not attend so the full report is tabled until next meeting.


11. Other Business

Melissa Cross located much of the existing VFMA documents, binders and paperwork scattered at various locations. The Board is moving toward consolidating all documents and purchasing a secure storage box to maintain and preserve all important items. JR is organizing the effort.


Dave is treating new flyers and updating the kiosk at the Sun Bowl.


12. Pick Next Meeting Date

      1. November 29 @ 6:30.

      2. We will meet @ the Blazek’s.


13. Adjourn (8:15)

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