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VFMA Board Meeting Minutes

November 29, 2023

Blazek Residence • 1767 Hamilton Drive


A. Call to Order (6:35). Notation of those in attendance

  1. ​

    1. Dave Blazek

      JR Abbott

      Randy Gurak

      Blair Pink

      John Calloway

      Melissa Cross

      Shane Simpson (Guest)

      Kamila Jodzio (Guest)

      Zach Nyce

      Sham Billah


B. Welcome remarks: Dave


C. Treasurer’s report: JR (see attached)


D. Bricks project: Shane


    1. • Forever Bricks has provided missing bricks. These will be installed in the spring. Shane will continue to work with Sharon Cichocki to make sure all the bricks that should be there, are there.

      • Everything else, except final accounting has been completed.

      • Shane Simpson and Boyscouts will donate Christmas swag for the kiosk at the Sun Bowl


E. Dinner Dance discussion: Kamila


    1. • After widespread dissatisfaction with last year’s venue, Kamila is investigating alternative venues. Rivercrest, the Freedom Foundation, Platform 1 are some of the venues being considered.

      • Alternative formatting is being considered as well … for instance, providing heavy apps and drinks rather than dinner was discussed as an alternative format. The event would start a little later in the evening.

• Kamila will gather proposals by January. Board will review and survey the membership for their preferences.

    1. • An additional more casual event at the Grove or Pavilion was also discussed as we consider adding this additional event to the annual calendar.


F. Website & lists update: Dave


    1. • Currently there are 150 active, paid memberships.

      • Some of the information is incomplete. Dave is working on contacting those members to request an update.

      • Dave is having a meeting with our Wix website expert to improve the site.

      • The site now has a functioning Sun Bowl Pavilion reservation system


G. Oktoberfest update: Dave


      • $1960 was collected through online ticket sales (113 people.)

      • $1720 was collected at the door.

      • Crowd was estimated at around 200. We agreed we need to do better record keeping next year.

      • See attached financials.




H. Ladies wine and cheese: Marcie


    1. • Sunday, December 3, (5-7) at the Langerhans’ residence.

      • Guests will bring either an app, dessert, or bottle of wine.

      • There is ample parking, but carpooling will be suggested.

      • Dave will prepare a flyer and do social media promotion


I. Document organizing, security & storage: Blair/Melissa


    1. • Many nostalgia items, i.e. old directories and newsletters dating back to the 1960’s. Going forward we will add a history section to the website highlighting some of these items.

      • Old bank statements and cancelled checks will be disposed of.

      • JR will purchase a fire proof/waterproof safe. The safe will be bolted down in the shed. The Sunbowl deed, and other important papers, will be kept there, rather than being passed down to Board members for safekeeping.


J. Bylaw changes: John


    1. • Board is researching changes to the bylaws to: A) increase the number of people eligible to join as members and as board members by lessening or removing dated Bins Tract provisions.

      • John and Dave will contact a lawyer to discuss changes.

      • These changes will be presented at the Annual Meeting.


K. Other business - Board exits/replacements… Food drive


    1. • Dave, JR, Randy and John will be exiting the Board in 2024. Replacements were discussed. Board members will contact those individuals who may be interested in joining.

      • Kat McCarthy has expressed interest in chairing the July 4th event at the Sunbowl and also joining the Board.

      • The Lemmings will hosting an Open Mic Night and a Lemmings performance January 19th at the Firehouse. Dave will add to Events site and help promote.

      • The board is going to try to run a quick charity food drive to supports the PACS food bank in Phoenixville. Blair will contact the food bank about needs. Board members will coordinate, pick up and deliver contributions in December.

      • To date, there has been no interest in Santa visits. Randy has volunteered to be Santa if needed.

      • We will concentrate on another membership push in January.

      • The Annual Meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 30 at the Firehouse. Dave will reserve the meeting room. The Board will convene briefly at 6:30. The meeting will begin at 7:00.


L. Next meeting


    1. • Thursday, January 11, 2024 (6:30).

      • The meeting will be held at the Calloway residence. (2035 Welsh Valley Road)


M. Adjourn (8:55)



November 2023 Treasurer Report

Account Balances (11/29/23):

Operating….. $ 14,212

Pavilion……. 0

Capital…….. 5,012

Playground.. 6,947

Used the balance of the Pavilion funds to pay for electrical work and

electric lights, fans, etc.

Made our first monthly payment to WIX support team.

Prepared report on Oktoberfest income and expenses.

Paid monthly bills from landscaper, stamps, return address labels,

porta potty (3), water, etc

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